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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • 7

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan • 7

The Times Heraldi
Port Huron, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 it it jk Jyfc -Vs wsroceiTed Saturday of the death of Daniel Carter, of AJpVna, which, occurred at hU home there a Wednesday. SmID(? years nr Cap ter was a resident of the Bowman road Scotch Gloves, a.s many relatives and friends in A WEEI IN ST. CLAIF COUNTY. His NEW BALTIMORE. ioe vicinity.

He was S3 years old. wife survives him. i i -A 1 9 i 1 1 F. C. Keisey, of Yassar, was In town WALES.

Captain r. B. Elsey is vUitlnir fri. 1 -Muiiiera nas come again. There ar REFLECTED BY TIMES CORRESPONDENTS.

fr -r Frcm the Celebrated J. D. McGeorge factory, Dum-'ries, Scotland. We have 33 dozen of the above make mods, every pair warranted seamless, taper flngers; aid self fleeced lined in 50 and 75 cent qualities, which we offer at 42 cents until closed. WAGENSEIL BROS.

several cases reported. It 1 It' has returned ner W. Weatherman from St. Joseph. Mieb.

-v -w jyk 4 Mrs. Eunice JetTera is quite ill. Rev. E. Ackerman quite sick.

A son was born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powels Inst week. J. Clark and iss Tilla Ingle were married last week.

Thomas Sulivan and Miss Anna M. Green were married recently. Mrs. Wm. Thomas' youngest boy is slowly recovering from a long sickness, caused by an abscess on his leg.

Oscar Bartlett Tost, G. A. IL, installed their officers and partook of an oyster supper last Saturday night. WEST GRANT. perty were married Wednesday morn-injr i the new.

church. They were the first ouple married in the new church. ABBOTSFORD. anj Mrs. Farrell continues sick.

rery Record Keeper Sarah A. Wheeler. Sergeant Nancy Curry. Chaplain Harriet Brown. "Mistress at Anns Rosanna Parks.

Picket Fidelia HalL Sentinel Mrs. Jessie Weese. MARYS VrULE. 13 at ce hospital. tZiltJF latest P0" 13 favorable tor a speeuy recovery.

rA Cit-T Pae the French railroad peopie a renewal of on Saturday. Two roads are promised now. out one is expected. unioa eoi-S evening, Jao. 15.

A lodge of about 60 charter members ot the Modern Mariners of America will occupy this hall. A SOURCE OP SURPRISE EAST KENOCKEE. i oooooooooooo Mr. Brook's family is recovering from William Gould has moved on the Cook farm. Amos A.

Haskell ia movinjr back from arg, to his farm in Kenoekee. arrived from Ireland on Thursday, where he has resided the past two years. diphtheria. Mr. and Mrs.

Campfield have from Doford. having been called the illness of their daughter. returned there by Sam Comer has returned home from the lumber woods and reports that work is wife have retarned to C. S. Black and Deckervllle.

very scarce. TO0ur Friends and Customers: k-a ish to extend thanks to all for the liberal patronage during cast Sixty Days, through the Star Guessing Contest wK4ch. rVj January 20th, 1897. received 28,000 Guesses, ranging from 150 to 3,700,000. poofflclalreportand list of prizes, with lucky winners, ap-' "in this Issue of The Times.

N. AKERS, 515 Water St. ADAIR. John E. Newton has been called home from Ogemaw county on account of sick The infant child of Mr.

and Mrs. T. Shiel's died on Sunday and was buried Tuesday from the Allen K. church. Mr.

and Mrs. James Burkholder has gone to Deford to take care of Mrs. Burk-holder's brother's wife, who is very sick. ness in his family. James Porter is on the sick list, and bis The wife of Wm.

Hannah, of Arenac county, has returned to her home, after To Physician nd ratlcnt Alike. Dr. Redmond, a specialist in the study and treatment of Piles and rectal din-eases, recently stated that the Pyramid Pile Cure, the new discovery for the cur of piles, was the most remarkable remedy he had ever neeii or tried in one r-ppect; oikI tlmt was, the instant tidier making a brief visit with her mother, Mrs, Gibson and other acquaintances here. recovery is aoubtrul. John Shindler and wife were the Happy recipients of a bouncing baby girl Jan.

7. John II. Fulton, after 10 years of Alpsna life, Is glad to return to' Adair and lake up his abode among his old friends. A Joint installation was plven by the sir knlphts and ladies of Adair Maccabees OOOOOOOOOOO I OOOOOOOOOOOOj Oiles Parkin, the young man who shot himself while hunting some time ago. is improving, Drs.

McLaren, of Port Huron, and Derek, of this place, performed a Mr. and Mrs. Clark Strevels, are entertaining a young son. The friends of C. S.

Black and wife gave them a surprise party at the residence of Henry Hewitt. The A. O. O. U.

of Fargo Arbor have installed tho following officers for the ensuing year: C. U.S. E. Iiider. N.

C. G. Geo. Oatman. Secretary and Treasurer Warren Campbell.

Chaplain N. E. Lossing. Conductor Hugh Todd. I.

G. Mrs. Albert Outmarv O. G. Samuel Ross.

After installing the ofiloers the members of the Arbor with, their Invited friends enjoyed a lunch. experienced in all cases, no matter bow At it 5 tj. AA 4 4 4 surgical, opei ation. PETERS. GARDENDALE, Ernst Schrickel is on the sick list.

Wm. Quinlan is confined to his home with throat trouble. Mrs. Elmer Streeter died Monday morning of consumption. James Pickett will soon k-ave for Detroit, where lijr1 has been! tenderrjjd a situation.

Diphtheria has made its appearance ins th families of Thos. Wilks and Ed Hitchcock. Mrs. Laude is visiting her daughter, severe, from the moment the remedy was npj.lied; this was tho more surprihlng to him, because he bad carefuly analyzed the preparation! and no trace of ofklum, eocauie or similar poiun could be detected. Physicians look with great favor upon tho Pyramid Pile Cure, because it rapidly taking the place of surgical oienv Slaughter Saleg C3 ivirs.

winuei, lor a tew aays. Henry Seifert has started his aslierv again and is making about two barrels of A on Tuesday evening, Jan. 12. The following ofiloers were Installed: Past Commander Otto GIrke. Commander Charles i'enton.

Lieutenant Commander Henry Hart. Record Keeper William Sclinioke. Finance Keeper I. C. Burcb.

Chaplain A. V. Miller. Physician Dr. A.

Thomson. Sergeant Wm. V. Jones. Master-at-Arms C.

Yeritz. First Master of the Guards Wm. Bark. Second Master of the Guards G. Kainmer.

Sentinel F. Grose. Picket C. Elsholz. Tho officers of the L.

O. T. M. are as follows: MACOMB COUNTY. potash per day.

Most of the scholars come to school on skates down Swan creek, which presents a smooth glassy surface. Of Winter Underwear and Blankets. At V. E. BoeSjmer, our school teacher, was seriously hurt last week by being thrown backwards out of a road cart, which caused him to postpone school a little while.

ARMADA, Eight deaths have occurred in the town within a week. Mr. and Mrs. Parish, of Detr ilt. rnt OOODELLS.

Miss Lena Morris is the guest of friends in Detroit. James S. Kilgonr has been vlsitingfriends in Is'ew York state. Rev. Mr.

Vanhorn Is holding meetings evening at the Baptist church. Wm. Morris, and brother Eddie, are spending sometime at Silvenwood. A number from Goodells attended the dedication of the Catholicchuruh in Emmet on Tuesday. George Pitfleld, wife and children, of Port Huron, have been spending sometime at James Kilgour's, RILEY CENTRE, Friday in town.

Mr. Look, of Grand Ranids. is ne rid ing the week here. Miss Grace Seely is visiting with Ro Past Lady Commander Annie Seifert. Lady Commander Anna Jones.

Lieutenant Commander Lena Girke. Record Keeper Carrie Wilson. Finance Keeper Minnie Blank. Chaplain Alvlna Keller. Sergeant Augusta Grose.

Augusta Miller. Sentinel Mary Karamer. Picket Minnie Marker. After the ceremonies were concluded a We are in urgent need' of money and in or- tM1 1 der to ralne it we will place on gale onr entire lbe of WINTER UNDERWEAR and Blankets -it prices that will make it a great inducement A for you to buy Bale commences at 8:30 o'clock Thursday Vnorning and continues until Saturday night. meo friends this week.

The infant child of Mr. Bormivn State street, died Sunday morning. uous U.LU1 oocause it is so aimpie, ao easy applied and contains no mineral or other poisons so commonly used in pile cures. Dr. Easterbrook report that the Pyramid Pile Cure not only cures the various forma of piles, but never fails to give Immediate relief on the Erst application, no matter how severe the pain or discomfort may be.

Peoplo who have suffered from piles for years are ofteu astonished at the Instant relief experienced from the first application. Another important advantage is the fact that anyone can use the remedy without detention from business or Interference with daily occupation. Mr. J. Rollins, of Sweet Springs, writes; I consider the Pyramid Pile Cure without an equal; it cured mo in lesa than 30 days.

I waited 15 daya or more to be sure I was fully cured before writing you; I am cured and I shall recommend the Pyramid; Pile Cure at every possible opportunity, because it deserves it. Although a comparatively new remedy, its popularity Is 'such; that all druggists now eeU it; if yoor druggist hasn't it la stock, he will get it for you If yoti ask grand oyster supoer was enjoyed by all. A. w. Hesiitlne, of Detroit, is moving into the D.

Twadill house on Prospect street. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Walker, of Berville, left for California for the winter. II.

P. Bearinger, of Detroit, was in AVOOA. Terms Cash. Ortou McGan has returned from sail ing. town this week looking after business interests here.

Miss Nellie Smith is visiting at Mr. An even eighty members Joined the Ma and Mrs. (Jr. Kingsberry's. '1 comb County Farmers' Institute here GREEN'S CORNERS.

D. Black was in Applegate on business on Saturday. Archie Black is recovering from his recent illness. Miss E. Spring, of Yale, spent Saturday ia this vicinity.

Henry Short left for a visit on Thursday to his brother's in Midland county. A pleasant evening was spent at M. Lakie's on Friday, it being a surprise party. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Mollie Hayes on Wednesday evening, it beiug her birthday. J.

Iinrt Keily visited at his uncle's. Wednesday last. A very pleasant surprise party was Wm. Collins, part of the week. Mr.

Wadsworth, of Valley Center. The Adventlsts are holding a series of meetings this week. Andrew McNutt, of 'Winona, is spending a few days in town. Hugh Woolman, of Sanilac county, has been calling on old friends the past week. Muss Waters, of Marlette, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs.

C. B. Oakes. Miss Kitchen, of Canada, has been spending a few days with the family of Cnl Clendenning. A joint public installation and oyster supper will be held by the Maccabees Friday evening, Jan.

29. Mr. -and Mrs. Albert Jones, of Brown City, who formerly lived in this neigh-hood, are calling oa old neighbors here. SMITH.

Henry J. Sweet is at Port Huron serving as juror. The W. C. T.

r. will meet with Miss Meda Holmes on Thursday. Lena Clark, of Yale, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Esther Edgerton. The proceeds of the oyster supper held at T.

J. Robinson's last Thursday, was tl6.50. Quarterly meeting services will be held in the M. P. church here next Saturday and Sunday, Mrs.

S. A. Dewey, of Orion, who has visited at Mrs. Carrie King's for the past two weeks, has returned to Alruont. given Miss Pearl Arnold at her home Tuesday A large number at visited Mr.

and Mrs. D. Quail Sunday. Ilev. J.

Reiley was called to Ontario tended. CI Mr. Brown died at his home one and Inst week to attend the funeral of his mother. one-half miles east of town Saturday Miss Mollie Hayes, of Avoca, was the evening after a long illness. The funeral was held on Tuesday.

tenlereV a surprise party Wednesday, Miss Bauman. atred 20 vears. dial at her 13. tlw occasion being her 19th GREENWOOD. 0CCOOOOOO 1 $OOOOOOO0OO0 late home on State street Friday mornincr birthday.

There was about 45 of her young friends present, among them be him, as all wholesale druggists have it on ale. A pamphlet describing the cause and cure of piles sent free by addressing the Pyramid Albion, Mich. Antibllious Worm Tablets are the best, rlo, 21 coats. For sale at Ed. J.

Rodger'. of consumption. The funeral was held on Sunday from the house. ing Misses ranc Itosnerry and May Ilunsttorger from Tort Huron. The or- GOODNESS GRACIOUS Tl 4 ol TV, Ulti.

Joseph Seward, who has been in the employ of J. C. Cudworth, has resigned William Bonser died at the house of his son, John Bonser, January 7, after a brief Illness at the age of 80 years. Mr. Bonser was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in 1816 and came to Canada with his parents when 11 years old.

He was married to ler of the evening was card playing and dancing. bazaar. We will convince you that they are dirt cheap. We find that we C. bis position and accepted one with Roehur Seabury, wholesale wall paper dealers of Detroit.

Uve too many goods on hand and therefore we muat reduce our stock be- A fme the first of February. BLAINE. George Raymond, whose serious Illness Miss Phebe Wood at the age of '21. Six children were born to them. His wife died in 1.S61.

He married again and ho was again left with two more children. He then married Miss Amelia Priddle. In W7 was mentioned in tins paper recently, died at the home of Oscar Cook Tuesday afternoon. He was buried by the Maccabees, in which order he held "Burdock Blood Bitter entirely cured me of a terrible breaking out all over my body. It a wonderful medicine." Miss Julia Elbridge, box io, West Corn-well, Conn.

Itching Piles, night' horrhl plague, is instnntly relieved and permanently cured by Doon' Ointment. Your dealer ought to keep It. Here are Jut a tew of onr victims. rjaurt Oblong Dinner 19 cents 1 3 uart GsvanJzed J'ails 1 9 cents quart copper bottom Tea Pots li cents 17 nuart IX Deep DUh Pang 19 cents i ''art Coffee Pots 8 cents yart Covertvl Pallg 7 cents )toilSalTn Pans cents life insurance. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss.

Clias. T. Eck. of Chicaoo. an old Amid The diphtheria scare has passed over.

Arthur Myron is in Buffalo for a few days. Charles Klliott visited friends and relative hero last week. Frank Elliott has moved his family into tha house vacate I by Mr. Armstrong. Mr.

UJley, of Roscommon, spent a few days In town last week as tho guest of Joseph Gibbons. N. Kerr is about to build a lare-e fertilizer and hay shed in connection with bis grain elevator at Blaine station. boy, is visiting friends in town. He represents the Rand, McNally Co.

publishing 10 JVwrvin Kettlf-a 8 cents f. Water Pall 8 cents twrt Dish Pan. 2.1 cents he removed to Greenwood. From early life he was identilied with the Christian church. Fie heartily entered into the work of tho church "and into every benevolence that aimed at the betterment of the community.

He saw the town in which he lived pass from an almost unbroken forest to a lovely farming community. Ha lost Ida third wife in IXtsS aud has since then made his homo with his son. He leaves three children, one daughter and two sons. His funeral was held in the church at Fargo, January a. Rev.

Riley preached the sermon ami the remains "were taken to Spring Hill for burial. vv. vvx vx vV 0 BURNS. Mrs. Everette Pnrson- has recovered 'ppcr Douorn lea Kettles, iNo.

43 cents f. wrpor bottom Tea Kettles, No. 9 57 cents i Fry i'ans 10 cents CusplJors 10 cents S. frgft Preserve Kettles 10 cents fots 5 and 10 cents V3 low Shades, mounted on rollers 10 cents ytirul Vase Lamps, complete 63 cents i Hand Lamps 10 cents from her recent illness. Ralph and Stella Ray have been quite SMITH CREEK.

A. E. Dove visited friends here on Sunday. Clair Lindsay and 'brother Roy left Monday afternoon for a mouth's visit with friends in the northern part of the state. Scryber Atkins has organized a writing class here.

L. B. Allen had his school in Blaine closed last Week on account of diphtheria. Miss Winnie Henshaw, who is teaching school In district No. 10, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Port Huron.

D. R. Alward delivered a lecture on Tuesday, January 11), in the Lindsay house. He will remain in the village for one week. J.

B. Allen has returned home from his school which Is closed on account of diphtheria. Two of his scholars have already died. Star of Bethlehem hive and Eagle tent will have a private installation January 2'A. The ladies will install In the afternoon and the sir knights in the evening.

Mrs. Elba Hubble is able to walk again after being confined to tho house for lour months with a sprained ankle. Her many friends are very glad to see her out again. sick with the grip. John Greene, of Armada, has pur chased William II.

Smith's farm pnd will In our Crockery Department everything reduced. la our Stationary Department wo have get a match to everything. Clocks, nlckle alarm, (55 cents. Elcht Day Clocks on the strike. move on the same in the spring.

0 0 C) C5 0 6 To buy Furniture of any description this month or in the near future, be sure to call at th- PALACE HALL WARER00MS OPPOSITE THE HARRINGTON, Bibles on the food side, consequently shouid move fast. T. David Kneisly met with a very accident a few days ago while lie was thrown from his carriage i ind can take care of that part satiBfactorllyr siiHtaining a fractured arm. OAPAO. Now If you wafit to buy troods, and buy them cheap, yon want to give rail, we are not the only pebble on the beach, but we are one of them.

t.s one, come all and vUlt us at THE BEE HIVE BAZAAR. Where you can make vour selections without vvucio vuu uau iuane your selections wimoui m. un- Mrs. S. S.

Brooker I as returned to De necessary importuning and feel assured that you will troit. Miss Frances Meier, of Port Huron, or SGGGGGGGGGC I GGGGOGCOGOG gnnized a dancing class at Walker's hall JEDDO. Wm. Sanderson visited frienda in Jackson last week. The K.

O. T. M. oyster supper mentioned in last week's issue of The Times was postponed until a more convenient time. Wm.

Snyder and Miss Mattie Hastings visited friends in Port Huron on Friday and Saturday last. Hugh Mclntyre, of East Greenwood, and his brother George, of Dakota, visited friends in Clyde last week. Mrs. Elder Hargar is sick at Fargo. Chas.

Bascom, of East Greenwood, returned home on Wednesday of last week from a visit with friends in Fort Huron. There was a young peoples' party at the residence of Wm. SandeTson on Wednesday evening of last week. Quite a large number were present and a good' time wns enjoyed. Golden hive.

No. 50, L. O. T. installed the following officers at their regular session) held on Saturday, Jan.

10, at '1 p. in the- Minor hall: Commander Mrs. Anna Beneway. Lieutenant Commander Mrs. Pauline Strevels.

Commander Mrs. Isacc Cole. Finance Keeper Airs, Maggie Newbury. Record Keeper Mrs. Erne Huffman.

Friday evening. T. H. Bottomley died Tuosday afternoon after several weoks' Illness with heart tlce to the Public. us! What You Want! trouble.

Miss Ida lies very ill with spasms, caused by heart trouble and nervousness. 0 0 0 W. J. Morphy Successor to Geo. WLndorer.

Confectioner, Baker and Grocer. Frank has resumed tils business STARRVTLLE. Mrs. Clarissa Weeks, of Port Huron, is the guest of relatives here. Willis Richardson and Henry Carlton spent Saturday in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchell have returned home from their wedding trip. Cheney Clark was called to Wallaceburg, this week by the serious illness of his brother Henry. duties In Ietrolt, after several weeks' stay In town, called here by the illness and At figures that will commend themselves to your favorable consideration.

death of his mother. Fire broke out In Ernest's lumber yard Sunday night, completely destroying the pleased of W. Lore tho boiler corner of Bard and Merchant 1 beg leave to announce that 'paredto receive orders for of marine and stationary Repairs and sheet Iron Personal attention 'aredalrsln tho city. Archie Wright 0 0 0 0 0 Iw Fiukord ST. CLAIR TOWN.

I am now prepared to famish the with first-class roods. Orders delivered to all part of the city. Harrison telephone. 712 Lapeer Avenue. saw mill, barn, one span of horses and a large yard of lumber.

It Is supposed to have been dyne by Incendiaries. The Knights of Pythias and Rathbone Sisters held a joint installation of officers Friday evening, after which coffee and cake were served, and Mr. amused the crowd with a number of line selections from his phonograph. Mr. andi Mrs.

Neil Kennedy are hup- 0 Chaplain Mrs. Isadore Cook. Sergeant Miss Emmngcne McDonald. Mistress at Arms Mrs. Lucinda Madi py over the arrival of a little son.

Miss Daisy Smithers closed a snce-ful term of school in district 13 Saturday. 'GGOGGGGOGGx' GQGGGGGGGGGQ son. Sentinel Mrs. I'miM Newbury. Picket Miss Nellie Strevels.

Mrs. Isaac Cole- was the installing CENTENNIAL. Rev. Moore, of Lakeport, is holding revival meetings in this place. Our school has boju closed owing to the oflicer.

els i The Whfe oiisifiess OSS, LYNN. On Jan. 13 E. 11. Spraguo celebrated failing health of our teacher, Arthur Myrou.

The many friends of Mrs. John Stevenson, who has been soilously ill, are much pleased to hear she Is recovering. his IHlth birthday. A party of friend called1 in the eveniug to extend congratulations. A very pleasant evening wa pent by all present.

Mr. Sprague is hale and hearty at his advance age, and bids fair to reach the 10O mark. CHINA. Turn without friction at our store. We oil them with GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES.

xxxxxoxxxxoxxoxxoxxxoo The auuual installation of officers of JANUARY BARGAINS. 31.50 and. SI. 25 Table Linens. S1.00 All fl.OO Table Linen this week, 75 cents.

All 75 cent Table Linen this week, 50 cents. All 50 cont Table Linen this week, 39 cents. All 30 cent Table Linen this week, 20 cents. All 80 cent Table Linen this week, 25 cents. the Order of Gleaners, Lynn Arbor, No.

170, was held at Lynn Corners on Wed Wm. S. King Is spending the winter with his sister, Mrs. George Loughin. Mr.

and Mrs. Horace Carieton left Monday for Missouri, wher they will visit with relatives. Miss Cora Broadbrldge, of Marine City, spent Tuesday of this week with Miss fdyibel Cooke. nesday evening, Juu. The "ollowing others were installed: fall to We are still making prices on WINTER CLOTHING that cannot Interest you.

C. G. William II. Mcikle. V.

C. G. II. G. Sharcard.

S. and T. Gideon T. Bryce. Chaplain Edith Tice.

Conductor It. G. Ferguson. that NO HOUSE in the State of Michigan Is We are safe In saying offering Better Values. I.

Gf Jesse Tice. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln B. Mark were pleasantly surprised on Tuesday evening by a party of young peoplo.

On Wednesday, Jan. 20, occurred the wedding of Frank Wes trick, of this place, and Miss Tillie Goulait. of St. Clair. O.

U. Arthur Sholdiee. same Big Cut in all Fine Napkins "cial Bargains in Fine Embroideries. Lynd tent. No.

C10. K. O. T. in- stalled he following olhcers on Thursday night: New lines of SPRING HATS Just received, among them the new L.

A. W. Hat, adopted fcy the League at Its last National Convention. OUR PRICES on Hats are very low. Commander Andrew Parks.

Comma nd er A 1 her EMMET. Dr. McBain, of Applegate, is visiting Phil- Lieut ana no lit. at Hadone Grahams. FinanrV? Keeper R.

H. Houghton 10 yards Best Lonsdale Cotton, 75 cents. 20 yards Good Unbleached Cotton, $1.00 2 yards -wide Brown Sheeting, 15 cents. 2 yards -wide Bleached Sheeting, 16 cents. H.

I'. McCabe is entertaining his father from Adelaide, Ont, Miss Susie Graham, of Imlay City, is TT L-nting Jhjs. Cog ley a r. If 3 AL GeraM Buckley, of Detroit, is the On I. fl.

'4-rfj guest of Miss Katie Butler. Record Keeper William Chancy. Sergeant Stephen McMurtry. Chaplain J. M.

Stirling. First Master of Inard Charles Adams. Picket Eusley Brown. Sentinel Frank Scribner. Lynn hive, No.

installed the fil-lowing oflieers on Thursday afternoon: Commander Sarah list way. Lieutenant Commander Catherine Murphy. Finance Keeper Mollie Stirling. The Ixmefit social given by the mar ried ladies Tuesday evening netted 203 Huron Avenue. The One Price Clothier.

The heavy wind of Sunday night blew dowa John, F. Buckley's new barn in course of erection. jrx. jn jr f. s.

ss, -v WVV. AAA yjf jf wKftWW AA OO VV S0J Thos. Brandon and Miss Lizzie Hag-.

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